Hi! ::waving::

We’d love to send you a brilliantly good FREE welcome kit as a friendly thank you for welcoming us into your email inbox.

Plus gorgeous and tasty recipes, mini tutorials, and regular inspiration to embrace and enjoy the habits that help us to tap into the best that life has to offer.

It would be a joy to be on this ride with you!

See you there?!


P.S. Want to know a bit more about our emails?

✦ Every week, we send out a Raw Food Tuesday email with bonus tidbits you won’t find anywhere else. This lands in your inbox sometime on… Tuesday! (Unless you’re in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which case it might be Wednesday by the time you see it!)

✦ Some weeks, we also add a bonus Foodie Friday or surprise you with something good on another day of the week!

✦ Friends on our Email Love List receive mini tutorials, templates, and deeper dives into topics like raw ice creams, pastas, dressings, and more.

✦ We’ve also covered special topics like warming up with raw foods during the colder months, how to create better eating habits without feeling like a tortured dieter, favorite tools and recommended resources, and sooo much more.

✦ You’ll also hear first when we have an upcoming event. (We’ve even had events sell out to our email subscribers before we ever announce a thing publicly!)

✦ And really, it’s just lovely. It really is “inbox inspo” because we’re right there in your inbox with a firm intention to lift you up and truly inspire you!

✦ Of course, if you ever want to unsubscribe or pause for a bit, you can just click the link at the bottom of any email.